Scodova Combative Martial Arts

Scodova Combative Martial Arts is the official martial arts program for the Central Ohio YMCA. We currently offer classes at the Delaware YMCA Community Center in Delaware, OH; Liberty Township/ Powell YMCA in Powell, OH; Mansfield YMCA in Mansfield, OH; The Eagles Lodge in Crestline, OH; 

Through martial arts, we teach our students the values of respect, discipline, and humility above all else. Scodova Combative Martial Arts is an inclusive, family-friendly school with something to offer everyone, regardless of age or ability.

Our head instructors have received years of training and hold ranks under kickboxing and Tae Kwon Do national champion and Scodova Stable founder Mickey Scodova. Students will also be able to learn directly from Mr. Scodova when he attends class to provide leadership and guidance.

Scodova Combative Martial Arts is one of the six pillar schools of the Central Ohio Independent League for Martial Arts. In line with the league's mission, SCMA aims to be an affordable community-based organization for all income levels while fostering strong bonds between our instructors, students, and the community we serve.

For more information, please email or call 740-264-5020

We offer training in the following styles.

Scodova's Combative Martial Arts emphasizes becoming a well-rounded fighter instead of solely focusing on one style or method of self-defense.


Boxing is at the core of our training and where most adult students will start. You will develop a solid foundation of punches and kicks while working on cardio and defensive standup techniques.

Tae Kwon Do

Our younger students always start with traditional Tae Kwon Do. Not only is this style one that is frequently used for competitions, but is also an excellent source of cardio and strength training. Our class teaches dicipline, humility, and respect above all else.