Tournament Rules
General Rules
Competitors must be ringside and ready when the Center judge announces that the event is about to begin and makes the final announcement.
Competitors are to remain ringside throughout the events to ensure they are present when the next event begins.
Each ring requires 3 judges.
Brown and Red Belts may judge if and when necessary.
Youth Judges should be older than the age of the event they are judging.
Competitors should be in the division that matches their age and rank as of the date of the first tournament of the season.
BELT RANK: Participants must compete at their skill level as of the date of the season’s first tournament.
Padded Weapons and grappling are given exceptions to rule 6 with the confirmation of their chief instructor.
Competitors who have overlapping events must notify the time/scorekeeper so that their events can be coordinated.
Any competitor who shows any signs of disrespect, foul language, aggressive behavior, or insulting remarks can be disqualified by a 2 out of 3 decision by the judges after an inappropriate action or comment.
General Sparring Rules
SAFETY EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Hand Gear (must be more than a cloth glove), Foot Gear (both Karate and Tae Kwon Do style are accepted), Head gear (must cover sides and forehead), a full face mask is required for competitors under 18. All males must wear a groin cup.
COACHING: No competitor may receive coaching or be coached once the competitor is on the sparing lines. Coaches may ONLY cheer or yell encouragement once competitors are on the lines--any instructions will be deemed coaching--. ANY attempts to interact with the judges or stop a match will result in the removal of the spectator and the potential penalization or disqualification of the competitor.
Warnings should be given at the tournament open, and penalty points should be given upon first breaking the rules. Disqualification should only come from an egregious action (blood drawn is always considered egregious). The judges should vote on penalties and disqualifications.
No intentional or perceived intentional contact to the groin for any reason in any division.
Target areas are the top of the head, the side of the head, the forehead, and the torso. Uppercuts to the chin are not allowed
The top of the head and the forehead are “no point” for ages 10 years and younger.
No point areas are the legs, the back, and the arms.
The fight should continue until a judge calls for a “break.”
“Cats Paws” will never be counted as a point; the hand must be appropriately positioned to score. If you have questions regarding what is considered a “cat paw,” ask your center judge.
Stepping out of the ring is not permitted; penalty points may be issued when both feet leave the ring repeatedly.
Required Equipment
Each competitor must provide their weapon if participating in padded weapons or weapon forms.
Padded weapons must be between 34 and 36 inches long from tip to tip.
Eskrima and Kali sticks must be no longer than 28 inches.
If participating in breaking, each competitor must provide their boards.
If participating in self-defense, each competitor is to provide their demonstration partner.
A mouthguard is required for all grappling competitors.
Groin protection is not required but strongly recommended for all grappling competitors.
The following gear is required for ALL sparring:
Headgear with a face shield
Gloves or hand coverings
Foot protection(shin protection is strongly recommended but not required)
Groin protection is required for males and highly suggested for females.
Although not required, chest protection is permitted at the competitor’s or their guardian’s discretion.
Self Defense
SCORING: All judges will score at a range of 1 – 10.
There is no time limit on the demonstration.
Competitors are responsible for bringing their demo partners.
Competitors are responsible for bringing their demo tools if needed.
Competition is based on a realistic response to a realistic attack (This is not an “XMA” event).
Open Hand/Weapon Form(Kata)
There are NO time limits on forms.
Under Belts are allowed 1 no-fault “Do Over.”
Black Belts are not given “Do Over” opportunities.
Scoring ranges from 1 to 10. All judges should score based on what they have seen and “follow their heart.”
Judges’ scores should be totaled and averaged to determine the final score.
A blind choice will handle TIES (competitors turn their back, and judges point to left or right).
Scoring Standards: Judges should score on the confidence and intensity of the competitor’s form, keeping in mind that each style has different focuses and standards.
Weapons: judges may take the time to inspect ANY weapon used in competition.
SCORING: All judges will score at a range of 1 – 10.
There is no time limit on the demonstration.
Competitors are responsible for bringing their board and board holders.
Competition is based on breaking efficacy and accuracy; this is not a “test of strength.”
Ippon Sparring
All Sparring General Rules apply.
There is no time limit.
The winner is only chosen when ALL 3 or 5 judges agree that one point was achieved.
Point Sparring
All Sparring General Rules apply.
Two-minute time limit.
One point is issued for a legitimate score when two out of three judges agree.
Two points are awarded for a kick to the side of the head.
The first competitor to score 5 points, or whoever has the most at the end of two minutes, is the winner.
Ties should be broken by sudden death in Ippon rules (ALL judges agree on the winner of the final point.
Continous Sparring
There will be 3 rounds, 40 seconds each.
Competitors will spar continuously until the 40 seconds are up.
At the end of each round, the judges will call for the point/winner of the round (2 out of 3 judges must award points to win the round).
The winner is the competitor who wins 2 out of the 3 rounds.
If one competitor wins 2 rounds back to back, the match is over, and the 3rd round will not be conducted. This is done in the interest of time.
Ties should be broken by sudden death in Ippon rules (ALL judges agree on the winner of the final point).
Padded Weapon Sparring
The first fighter to 5 points, or the most points after 2 minutes, wins.
All strikes MUST be precise and distinguished
All strikes and taps are 1 point.
Limb (arm/leg) shots are 0 points.
Two hands must be on your weapon at all times.
The new round starts after each point is scored.
2-Minute Rounds.
In the event of a tie at the end of the round, sudden death takes affect
Throw or Take down equals 2pts(No Ippon victories)
Reversal of position equals 1pt
Submission (opponent taps) is victory
Competitor with the most points at the end of the round will be declared the winner.
In the event of a tie at end of 2 minutes, sudden death takes effect (No Ippon victory)
No chokes using the hand/hands or poking to the neck.
Leg locking techniques below the waist are LEGAL at all levels.
Lower ranks and skill levels are permitted to perform STRAIGHT TECHNIQUES ONLY. ( I.e. calf cutter, Achilles cutter, knee bar)
Advanced ranks and skill level are PERMITTED to use twisting locks below the waist. (I.e. heel hooks)